Kanji Characters
Kanji characters for popular words such as joy, hope and honor are shown in this page.

#A16 Wind
#A17 Flower
#A18 Forever
#A19 Freedom
#A20 Friendship
#A21 Fun
#A22 Happiness
#A23 Heaven
#A24 Honesty
#A25 Honor
#A26 Hope
#A27 Integrity
#A28 Joy
#A29 Justice
#A30 Long life

We would also be happy to personalize your gift with a name or word that is not on the above list.
Please let us know what you would like to have put on your gift when you place an order

If you have any questions, please e-mail us.

Hanko stamps Baseball caps Polo shirt Wall hanging T-shirt Cell phone strap Kokeshi doll