Japanese Characters

Shown in this section are Yoji-jukugo
(exprssions made up of 4 Japanese characters joined together.)

#46 jakuniku-kyoshoku
the weak are meat for the strong to eat
the strong prey upon the weak.
the law of the jungle, the survival of the fittest, only the strong survive

#47 junshin-muku
pure and clean
innocent, as innocent as a lamb, as pure as the driven snow

#48 shinryo-enbo
thoughtfulness and foresight
carefully laid plans for the future,meticulous in one's planning, far-sighted person

#49 seisei-dodo
true and noble
fair and square, open and aboveboard, on the level, openly and fairly, play square

#50 sente-hissho
the first hand is sure to win
the player who makes the first move in a game is sure to win, to make the first strike, to seize the initiative, to take the game by the scruff of the neck

#51 taiki-bansei
great talents mature late
to achieve greatness late in life, great talents are slow in maturing, to be a slow developer, a late bloomer, to bloom late in life

#52 tenshin-ranman
heavenly purity overflowing
naivety, purity, simplicity, innocence, not artificial, naive and unsophisticated, simple and innocent

#53 dokuritsu-doppo
standing by oneself, walking by oneself
independence, self-reliance, standing on one's own two feet, cut out one's own way in life

#54 ninin-sankyaku
two people, three legs
a three-legged race, cooperating with singleness of purpose, working together to achieve the same goal

#55 fuhen-futo
without bias and free from party affiliation
impartial, neutral, non-partisan, fair, unbiased, independent

#56 yumo-kakan
very brave and decisive
dauntless courage and decisiveness

#57 yudan-taiteki
carelessness is the greatest enemy
Security is the greatest enemy.
danger comes when you least expect it, Be on your guard!

#58 risshin-shusse
going up in the world
success in life, getting ahead, getting on in the world, making a success of yourself, going out into the world and making a name for yourself

#59 reisei-chinchaku
cool quietude, clam composure
cool, calm and collected, as cool as cucumber

#60 ronyaku-nannnyo
the old, the young, men and women
people of all ages and both sexes, men and women of all ages, everybody, young and old alike

We would also be happy to personalize your gift with a name or word that is not on the above list.
Please let us know what you would like to have put on your gift when you place an order

If you have any questions, please e-mail us.

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